Information and communication technology -enterprises

0. Registration entry for subjects

0.1 Name

Information and communication technology -enterprises

0.2 Subject area

Tourism, transport and IT

0.3 Responsible authority; office, division, person etc.

Business statistics
Statistics Iceland
Borgartun 21a
IS-150 Reykjavík
Fax +354 528 1299

Árni Fannar Sigurðsson
Telephone: +354 528 1266

0.4 Purpose and history

There is a growing demand for statistics on the use of ICT (information communication technology) and the information society. In 2002 Statistics Iceland took over a project from the Prime Minister's Office on data collection on the use of ICT within the Icelandic society.

The aim of the data collection is to monitor changes within the society regarding the use of ICT. The survey deals with enterprises' use of IC technology and e-commerce.

Statistics Iceland has conducted ICT-surveys among enterprises in 2002, 2003 and 2006.

0.5 Users and application

Results from the data collection are of use for everyone, who is interested in the development of the information society in Iceland. That includes the government, municipalities, international organisations and the public in general. Questionnaires are based on model questionnaires prepared by Eurostat. That makes the results presented by Statistics Iceland comparable with the results of similar surveys of other national statistical institutes within the EU as well as within the Nordic countries.

0.6 Sources

Surveys conducted by Statistics Iceland. Questionnaire is based on a model questionnaire prepared by Eurostat. Participation is voluntary.

0.7 Legal basis for official statistics

Act on Statistics Iceland, No 24/1913.

0.8 Response burden

Participation is voluntary. Average time of filling out the questionnaire is 20-30 minutes.

0.9 EEA and EU obligations

The data collection is carried out in compliance with the Commission Regulation No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society.

1. Contents

1.1 Description of content

The data collection gives an overview of enterprises' use of computers and the Internet.

The main modules refer to:
  • Technology used by the enterprise
  • Use of the Internet
  • eCommerce via Internet
  • eCommerce via computer mediated networks other than the Internet

1.2 Statistical concepts

The PAYE register of the Tax authorities is used as a sampling frame. Sample is drawn from a population of enterprises with at least 10 employees within the following activities according to ÍSAT 95/NACE 1:
  • D 15-37 Manufacturing
  • F 45 Construction
  • G 50-52 Trade
  • H 55 Hotels and restaurants
  • I 60-64 Communication, transport
  • J 65-67 Banking, financial services
  • K 70-74 Miscellaneous specialised services
  • O 92 Culture etc.

Due to the smallness of the sample frame, a combination of census and random sampling is used. Enterprises are stratified by activity and number of employees. The sampe size in 2006 was of the vicinity of 800 enterprises.

Results are presented by enterprises' activity and number of employees.

2. Time

2.1 Reference periods

Surveys have been conducted in 2002, 2003 and 2006. Reference time for technology is 1st of January of the data collection year. Reference time for turnover, number of employees and e-commerce is the calendar year prior to the data collection year.

2.2 Process time

Processing of data takes 4-6 months.

2.3 Punctuality

Results are published as soon as processing of data has been finalised.

2.4 Frequency of releases

Frequency of releases is bound to the frequency of surveys.

3. Reliability and security

3.1 Accuracy and reliability

Several errors and causes of deviation are always bound to sample surveys.

Response rate in 2002, 2003 and 2006:
Year 2002: 88%
Year 2003: 81%
Year 2006: 60%

3.2 Sources of errors

Sampling errors. Every sample survey entails a degree of uncertainty because of the sample not being an exact reflection of the entire registry or population.

Coverage errors. There is always the possibility, that the PAYE Register contains enterprises that are misclassified or inactive. Not subtracting this group from the population results in a bias, with the estimated total population being overestimated by this quantity.

Non-response errors. In all surveys, results may represent errors because of non-response in the sample being unevenly distributed among groups. The main reasons for non-response are refusals, absence from the enterprise during data collection time, or a failure to find the residence or telephone number of those in the sample.

Response errors. Respondents can record the answers wrongly, omit questions, confuse the order of questions or misunderstand the content of the questions.

Design errors. Unsatisfactory organisation and design of the survey can lead to results which do not correspond to reality. The phrasing of questions can cause misunderstandings, a different ordering of the questions can result in dissimilar answers, and the experience of the respondents from former surveys can influence their answers.

3.3 Measures on confidence limits/accuracy

4. Comparison

4.1 Comparison between periods

Results are comparable between years.

4.2 Comparison with other statistics

Questionnaire is based on a model questionnaire prepared by Eurostat. That makes the results presented by Statistics Iceland comparable with the results of similar surveys of other national statistical institutes within the EU as well as within the Nordic countries.

4.3 Coherence between preliminary and final statistics

No preliminary data is published.

5. Access to information

5.1 Forms of dissemination

  • News, released on Statistics Icelands website
  • Statistics, categorized statistical web tables
  • Statistical Series, Hagtíðindi
  • Statistical Yearbook of Iceland, Landshagir
  • Nordic publications, prepared by the statistical institutes in the five Nordic countries in cooperation with the Nordic Counsil of Ministers

5.2 Basic data; storage and usability

Data is kept in a computer data base at Statistics Iceland. Access to the confidential data is not available, yet it is possible to get specific non-confidential data from the database.

5.3 Reports

  • Statistics Icelands Statistical Series, Information technology
  • Nordic Information Society Statistics, 2005
  • Indicators for the Information Society in the Baltic Region. Action line 6, 2005
  • ICT Investments in Enterprises. Nordic Guidelines, 2004
  • Indicators for the Information Society in the Baltic Region. Action line 6, 2003
  • Nordic Information Society Statistics, 2002
  • The ICT Sector in the Nordic Countries, 2000

5.4 Other information

For further information, please contact the person in charge of the ICT statistics.

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