Senior citizens are defined as persons 65 years of age and older. According to the Icelandic census of the population 31 December 2011 senior citizens were 40,282, of which 21,640 were women. Senior citizens constitute 12.8% of the total population.

The labour force participation rate of senior citizens is relatively high. This rate is 20.6% overall, highest in the youngest age groups. The rate is also higher amongst males than females.

In all, 9.2% of senior citizens have an institutional residence, mostly in old folk‘s homes. This percentage rises with age, with more than half of the persons 90 years and older living in institutions for the elderly.

The housing census 31 December 2011 counted in total 4,897 dwelling units especially designed for elderly persons. Of those, 864 were assisted living facilities, 2,406 activity dwellings, and 1,627 regular dwellings for the elderly with age restrictions. Of these dwellings, 48% were owned by the residents themselves, but significant proportions by municipalities, housing cooperatives and NGO’s.

The above are among the findings in the Statistical Series, published by Statistics Iceland.


Census 2011: Senior Citizens - Statistical Series
