Statistics Iceland now publishes, for the first time, statistics on return migration in Iceland.

Up to 79% of Icelandic citizens who migrate return after an average stay of 2.4 years abroad. The return migration of foreign citizens is 17%, after an average stay of less than 1 year.

Younger persons have higher rate of return migration than older persons. Icelandic citizens emigrating to one of the Nordic countries are also more likely to return than those migrating to other countries (84%). The return migration is lowest from North America, or 59%.

The majority of those who immigrate to Iceland are returning migrants, with 51% of 112,494 immigrants in 1986–2008 registered as return migrants. Until 2003 this percentage was 63%

The percentage of Icelandic and foreign citizens returning after less than eight years of stay abroad has remained relatively stable in the period 1986–2001, with 64–78% and 12–19% of emigrants returning, respectively.

There are no significant gender differences regarding return migration.

Return migration 1986-2008 - Statistical Series
