Media and culture

0. Registration entry for subjects

0.1 Name

Media and culture

0.2 Subject area

Culture, media and leisure

0.3 Responsible authority; office, division, person etc.

Statistics Iceland
Education and culture
Ragnar Karlsson,
Borgartun 21 A,
150 Reykjavik
Tel.: +354 528 1051
Fax: +354 528 1199

0.4 Purpose and history

The purpose of the statistics is to collect, preserve, describe and publish numerical information on media and culture. Systematic data collection in the field began in 1965, but was modified to the present form in 1996/1997.

0.5 Users and application

Government bodies, international organisations, companies, and other who are engaged in activities within the fields, such as researchers and students.

0.6 Sources

Information is collected from specialized institutions and organizations (secondary data) and by an annual inquiry by sending out questionnaires to the companies and institutions involved in media and culture activities (primary data).

0.7 Legal basis for official statistics

Statistics collected, generated and disseminated by Statistics Iceland are governed by the Regulation on the Central Government Administration 3/2004, the legislation on Statistics Iceland and Official Statistics 163/2007 and the EES Agreement 2/1993.

0.8 Response burden

Statistics Iceland requests information from all media companies and culture institutions whose activities fall within pre-given definition of the respective fields of inquiry, such as defined by a law, international standards of classification, or in-house made definitions.

0.9 EEA and EU obligations

Law about the European Economic Area 2/1993 stipulates that the Contracting Parties shall ensure the production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social and environmental aspects of the EEA. (§76:1). Further according to legal acts and regulations by the EU Directive.

1. Contents

1.1 Description of content

Advertisement revenue (i.e. survey data) and advertisement expenditure on the media (i.e. rate card data) in total, by kind of media and expenditure by kind of advertised goods and services.
Books and libraries
Book publishing
Published titles of books and booklets, sound books by literature genres and subjects according to the Dewey Decimal Classification, first editions and later editions and translated works by language.
Public libraries
Stocks, loans, revenue and operating expenses, registered borrowers. Figures are broken down by public library districts.
The National Library, university, research and institutional libraries
Stocks, loans, personnel and expenditure on acquisitions.
Newspapers and periodicals
Frequency of issue, volume of pages, circulation, revenue and reading of newspaper according to surveys. Figures are broken down by regions and by sold and free papers.
Number of magazines and journals according to frequency of issue and
subject according to the Dewey Decimal Classification, and reading of
main magazines according surveys.
Sound recordings
Number of releases by format, genre and distributors. Data are provided as well on volume (sold copies and sale value) of domestic and imported recordings.
Theatrical films
Cinemas and exhibitions broken down by regions. Information on premiered and released full-length feature films, admission and gross box office revenue (GBO) by origin of films. Data are also provided on domestic films and film festivals and special showings.
Release and distribution of rental and sell-thru videos (VHS and DVD), volume of rentals and retail, penetration of video recorders and DVD players in homes, etc.
Information on personnel and revenue of the Icelandic Broadcasting Service (radio and television) and private broadcasters, and number of radio and television channels which commenced and ceased transmissions in the year.
Number of channels by regions, ownership and programme profile. Broadcasting time, total and by genres, and revenue of public and private channels. Radio listening according to surveys.
Number of channels by regions, ownership, kind of method/technology of transmission and programme profile. Broadcasting time, total, by genres, origin of programmes and revenue of public and private channels. Information on re-distribution of foreign satellite TV, and subscribers. Number of license fee accounts and cost of license fee and subscriptions. Television viewing according to surveys.
Performing and visual arts
Theatrical arts
Professional theatres, professional and amateur theatre groups. Information on stages, seats, number of productions, showings, spectators by kind of works and origin of authors, revenue and personnel.
Concerts by kind and regions, performances and audiences to concerts of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and North Iceland Symphony Orchestra and number of concerts and audiences in main concert halls.
Visual arts exhibitions
Number of exhibitions broken down by kind and regions.
Museums and related
Number of museums and related institutions, opening days, personnel, revenue and visitors, broken down by regions and kind.
Culture funds
Subsidies and grants allocated from cultural funds and information on royalties paid out to artists and right holders.
NGO associations
Number of full members of associations of media people, artists and graphic designers by gender.
Icelandic Press Council
Rulings of the Icelandic Press Council by kind of media involved and violation of the code of journalism ethics.

1.2 Statistical concepts

Population: Data based upon all media companies and culture institutions whose activities qualify to the definitions used.
Units: Most of the figures are basic figures with totals. For the convenience of the user, proportional and per capita figures are shown where appropriate. Derivate figures, e.g. in fixed prices, are usually not provided. Statistical concepts and definitions are explained in notes with tables. More specific explanations of concepts and definitions are available from the person in charge.

2. Time

2.1 Reference periods

The calendar year, except the theatrical year (August-July) for theatres.

2.2 Process time

Statistical data from previous year are published no later than by end of the following year.

2.3 Punctuality

Data are published as soon as available on the Web and in print publications.

2.4 Frequency of releases

Once a year.

3. Reliability and security

3.1 Accuracy and reliability

Data can be considered of high reliability and accuracy.

3.2 Sources of errors

Main errors can stem from:Measurement errors, due to inaccurate forms, inaccurate answers or differing methods in data collection;
Processing errors can occur during entering and processing data;
Errors of estimations when data are inconclusive or missing;
Errors in official registers.
Incoming reports and statements from respondents are crosschecked and compared to other existing data when available. In cases of lack of information from respondents, estimates are made by use of other information (e.g. annual accounts and Value Tax Reports). The response rate of companies and institutions to the annual data request is close to 100 in most fields of data collection.

3.3 Measures on confidence limits/accuracy

No specific measurement of the extent of errors are carried out.

4. Comparison

4.1 Comparison between periods

Data are comparable, except in cases when classification has been changed. Comparability is ensured according to international standards, whenever available.

4.2 Comparison with other statistics

-see 4.1

4.3 Coherence between preliminary and final statistics

Provisional data are generally not provided.

5. Access to information

5.1 Forms of dissemination

Statistics, categorized statistical Web tables,
Statistical Series,
Statistical Yearbook of Iceland,
Special reports.
Statistics Iceland provides annually number of domestic and international organizations and associations information about media and culture, them amongst are Dodona Research (films and cinemas), European Audiovisual Observatory (films, cinemas and television), Free Daily Newspapers (free papers), International Video Federation (video), IP Grouppe (television), MEDIA Salles (films and cinemas), NORDICOM (media and mass communication in general), Screen Digest (films and video), UNESCO (various media and culture information), World Association of Newspapers (newspapers) and until more recently EUROSTAT (audio-visual media in general).

5.2 Basic data; storage and usability

Storage of basic material in Excel or in Access format.

5.3 Reports

Media and Culture 2003,
Media and Culture 1999.

5.4 Other information

Further information from the person responsible.

© Hagstofa �slands, �ann 16-7-2008