Statistics Iceland has published an issue in the Statistical Series on children in pre-primary schools in December 2007.

In December 2007 17,446 children attended pre-primary schools in Iceland. The number of children in pre-primary school increased by 230 since the previous year, an increase of 1.3%. There were 270 pre-primary schools operating in December 2007, an increase of three since 2006. More than 2,300 children attended 36 private pre-primary schools. A total of 25 pre-primary schools were open all year 2007, while 245 schools closed for summer holidays. In December 2007 almost one-third of one year olds attended pre-primary school and 91% of two year olds. The daily attendance continues to increase and now 86% of all children stay in school for 7 hours or more daily. Almost 1,200 children receive special support. Their number has more than doubled since the start of the data collection by Statistics Iceland. The number of children with another mother tongue than Icelandic has increased to 1,571 children, 9% of all children attending pre-primary school. The number of children who are foreign citizens has increased to 367, most of them coming from Eastern Europe.

Children in pre-primary schools in December 2007 - Statistical Series


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