140 fewer staff members in schools at the tertiary level

The number of personnel in schools at the tertiary level decreased by 140 (4.6%) between November 2010 and November 2011, and has not been lower since the school year 2005-2006. The number of full-time equivalent jobs decreased by 108 (4.8%) in the same period. On the other hand, the number of students in schools at the tertiary level increased by 1.7% from the school year 2010-2011.

There were 2,902 staff members in schools at the tertiary level working 2,147 full-time equivalent jobs in November 2011. Teachers were 2,018 working 1,297 full-time equivalent jobs. Women were 52.6% of personnel working 51.8% of full-time equivalent jobs. The number of female employees decreased by 7.5% from the previous year, while the number of males decreased by 1.2%.

The number of personnel was slightly lower in November 2011 than in November 2009. The difference lies mainly in the different number of teachers who were overseeing student teachers. They were 18 in 2009, 129 in 2010 and none in November 2011. Four out of every five teachers who were overseeing student teachers were women.

More than one-third of teachers in schools at the tertiary level have a doctorate degree
More than one-third (33.7%) of instructional personnel in schools at the tertiary level in November 2011 held a Ph.D. degree, 673 teachers holding 582 full-time equivalent jobs. The proportion of instructional personnel holding a Ph.D. increased considerably in the last decade, since in the 2001-2002 school year 24.4% of instructional personnel held a Ph.D. degree. Teachers who had completed a master’s or equivalent degree were most numerous when using head-counts, or 38.6%, while teachers holding a Ph.D. were more numerous when looking at full-time equivalent teaching jobs. Instructors who held a first university degree, such as a Bachelor degree, were 23.6% of teaching staff. More male teachers held a Ph.D., or 43.7%, as opposed to 22.6% of female teachers. On the other hand more females than males had at most completed a master’s or equivalent degree, 45.5% of female teachers as opposed to 32.2% of male teachers.


More part-time teachers but fewer professors
More than one-half (58.7%) of all instructors at the tertiary level were employed as temporary or part-time instructors. This group of instructors consisted of 1,216 persons working 40.3% of full-time equivalent jobs in teaching. Their number increased by 41 from the previous year. The number of teaching professors decreased by 14 and the number of lecturers decreased by 31, while the number of assistant professors increased by 8 from the previous school year. In addition, the number of clerks and computer personnel decreased by 145 while the number of professionals increased by 108.


About the data
Data on personnel in schools at the tertiary level come from the State Accounting Office and directly from the schools. These data include all personnel who were employed by universities and other schools at the tertiary level in November 2011. The data on instructional personnel include everyone who had some instructional duties in November 2011. Instructors who were on leave when the data were collected are not included in the data on instructional personnel. However, they are counted among all staff members if they received salary during the reference period. Education refers to the highest level of education attained.


Further Information

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