The total number of teaching days and examination days in upper secondary schools in 2010-2011 was between 160 and 185, depending on the school. The average number of days was 175.2, which is the same number of days as in the previous school year.

Teaching days and teachers’ working days
Teaching days can be divided into full-time and other teaching days. There were between 141 and 180 full-time teaching days during the school year. The difference in number is caused by various arrangements in the schools’ operation. The average number of full-time teaching days was 149.0, which is an insignificant change from the previous school year. On average there were 3.6 more full-time teaching days in the spring semester than in the autumn semester. In addition, there were on average 1.9 other teaching days.

Between 0 and 30 days were used for examination and assessment in the upper secondary schools. Most schools have specific examination periods while in other schools exams and assessments take place during teaching days. On average 24.2 days were used for examinations and assessment, which is an increase of 0.2 days from the previous school year.


Teachers’ wage contracts presume a total of 175 teaching and examination days during the school year, and 4 additional working days annually. The total number of teachers’ working days in 2010-2011 was between 174 and 195. The average number of teachers’ working days was 181.5, an increase of 0.4 days from last year.

Special education departments are operating in 22 schools
The data collection indicates that 22 upper secondary schools have a special education department, an increase of one from the previous school year.

According to information from the schools 30 schools have a credit-unit system and 6 schools operate according to a grade system.

About the data
Information on the number of teaching days, examination days and other teachers’ working days was obtained from 36 upper secondary schools in Iceland. Two schools, Menntaskólinn Hraðbraut and Snyrtiskólinn operate according to a three semester system and are not included in the data above. Last school year one new school started operating; Menntaskólinn á Tröllaskaga, so the number of upper secondary schools has increased by one.


Further Information

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