The calculated total precipitation in Iceland for 2015 was 174,485 million m3 which amounts to 1,917 mm of total precipitation on the average within Iceland. Evaporation amounted to 18,256 million m3, which means that water resources in the form of freshwater and glaciers was 175,902 million m3. The average precipitation of 1,917 mm is among the highest in Europe.

Water resources 
  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Million m3            
Total precipitation 124,610 167,857 148,798 153,177 171,465 174,485
Rain 66,238 75,892 62,007 70,730 82,708 75,934
Snow 38,626 56,782 55,797 53,932 55,182 60,262
Evaporation 14,727 13,431 13,669 13,339 14,783 12,396
Sublimation 1,450 1,629 1,787 1,666 1,290 1,886
Average in mm LWQ            
Total precipitation 1,369 1,844 1,635 1,683 1,884 1,917
Rain 728 834 681 777 909 834
Snow 424 624 613 593 606 662
Evaporation 162 148 150 147 162 136
Sublimation 16 18 20 18 14 21

Water usage in 2015 was 280 million m3 but was 275 million m3 in 2014, of which 92.8% was groundwater and 6.8% surface water. The water use for industrial companies was 198 million m3 in 2015, 71% of total usage, mostly due to fish farming and geothermal energy production. Some 77 million m3 were used in urban areas.

Water use
  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Million m3            
Total usage 266 297 294 291 275 280
Corporations 177 203 199 205 199 198
Urban areas 82 87 88 83 72 77
Other use 7 7 7 3 4 5

The Icelandic Met Office collects data on water use from all public water districts as well as from smaller water use for industrial companies gents and privately owned water abstraction wells. Water resources were simulated by the Met Office with a Harmonie simulation to calculate precipitation and evaporation for the whole country.


Further Information

For further information please contact 528 1278 , email


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