In 2015, export revenue of services trade was 574,363 million ISK and import expenditures on services trade 372,250 million ISK. Therefore, the services trade surplus for the year 2015 was 202,112 million ISK.

Travel was the largest category of exports, accounting for 213,329 million ISK or 37,1% of total exports of services. In the year 2014 exports of travel was 160,077 million ISK at current exchange rates. Transportation was the second largest category of exports accounting for 205,022 million ISK or 35,7% of total exports of services in 2015. In 2014 export of transportation was 189,240 million ISK at current exchange rates. Export of other business services was the third largest category, accounting for 40,054 million ISK or 7% of total exports of services in 2015. In 2014, other business services was 39,955 million ISK at current exchange rates.

In 2015, the largest category of imports was travel, accounting for 131.407 million ISK or 35,3% of total imports of services. In 2014, import of travel was 113,594 million ISK at current exchange rates. Next in line with travel came other business services, accounting for 100,096 million ISK or 26,9% of total imports. The largest category within other business services was operational leasing services. In 2014, other business services was 109,770 million ISK at current exchange rates. Third largest category of imports was transportation, accounting for 63,037 million ISK or 16,9% of total imports of services in 2015. In 2014, transport was 58,531 million ISK at current exchange rates.

 A surplus of 141,985 million ISK on transportation and 81,922 million ISK on travel services trade was recorded in 2015. However there was a 60,043 million ISK deficit of other business services in 2015. In 2014, there was a surplus of 130,709 million ISK in transportation and 46,483 million ISK surplus on travel services trade at current exchange rates. The deficit on other business services in 2014 was 69,815 million ISK at current exchange rates.

EU was the largest trading partner in 2015, both with regards to exports and imports of services. Total exports of services to EU amounted to 47,6% of the total and 64,6% of imports. The trade surplus with EU was 33,036 million ISK. The two largest trading countries for exports and imports of services, like the year before, were United States and United Kingdom.

More detailed categorization of trade in services by EBOPS classification and by countries is available on Statistics Iceland website.

Trade in services 2015 by EBOPS classification          
  Exports % Imports % Balance
Value in million ISK          
Total 574,362.5 100.0 372,250.4 100.0 202,112.0
1. Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 17,956.5 3.1 0.0 0.0 17,956.5
2. Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 5,355.0 0.9 18,196.9 4.9 -12,841.9
3. Transport 205,022.1 35.7 63,037.2 16.9 141,985.0
4. Travel 213,328.7 37.1 131,407.1 35.3 81,921.6
5. Construction 2,455.8 0.4 1,835.7 0.5 620.2
6. Insurance and pension services 3,055.4 0.5 4,718.7 1.3 -1,663.2
7. Financial services 16,687.0 2.9 9,910.3 2.7 6,776.7
8. Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 30,337.2 5.3 11,055.8 3.0 19,281.4
9. Telecommunications, computer and information services 31,878.6 5.6 23,337.9 6.3 8,540.8
10. Other business services 40,053.8 7.0 100,096.4 26.9 -60,042.6
11. Personal, cultural and recreational services 5,717.4 1.0 6,594.5 1.8 -877.2
12. Government goods and services n.i.e. 2,514.8 0.4 2,060.0 0.6 454.8
Trade in services 2015 by market areas          
  Exports % Imports % Balance
Value in million ISK          
World 574,362.5 100.0 372,250.4 100.0 202,112.0
EU 273,605.4 47.6 240,569.6 64.6 33,035.9
EFTA 55,627.7 9.7 25,892.3 7.0 29,735.5
Other European countries 9,521.4 1.7 6,809.6 1.8 2,711.8
USA 126,227.9 22.0 68,155.2 18.3 58,072.7
Canada 22,557.5 3.9 5,387.5 1.4 17,170.0
Other countries 76,273.2 13.3 20,296.3 5.5 55,977.0
Not specified by countries 10,549.3 1.8 5,140.0 1.4 5,409.3


Further Information

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