Total value of catch of Icelandic vessels amounted to 90.3 billion ISK in January-July 2013, compared with 95.7 billion ISK in the first seven months of 2012. Total value decreased therefore by 5.6% between years.

Total value of demersal species accounted for ISK 54.2 billion; thereof cod ISK 27.7 billion, haddock 6.8 billion, and redfish 7.9 billion. Total value of pelagic species accounted for ISK 26.2 billion and flatfish catches for 6 billion.

Value of catch in January-July 2013          
Million ISK July January-July % change from
    2012 2013 2012 2013 previous year
Total value 14,468.2 13,236.4 95,711.0 90,344.5 -5.6
Demersal catch 6,169.7 5,700.0 58,874.5 54,157.0 -8.0
Cod 2,875.3 2,905.2 30,091.1 27,679.1 -8.0
Haddock 575.2 490.1 7,971.1 6,837.5 -14.2
Saith 979.9 869.2 5,127.9 5,257.9 2.5
Redfish 711.1 890.7 8,568.9 7,886.1 -8.0
Ocean redfish 408.7 71.6 1,971.5 2,136.6 8.4
Other demersal 619.5 473.1 5,144.0 4,359.9 -15.2
Flatfish catch 780.1 973.7 7,270.7 5,972.0 -17.9
Pelagic catch 6,934.4 6,221.0 25,420.4 26,176.4 3.0
Herring 916.9 448.6 1,317.5 513.6 -61.0
Capelin 0.0 0.0 13,117.4 15,634.9 19.2
Blue whiting 0.0 5.9 2,525.5 2,779.7 10.1
Other pelagics 6,017.4 5,766.4 8,460.0 7,248.1 -14.3
Shellfish catch 550.9 329.0 2,880.3 3,338.5 15.9
Shrimp 357.6 154.4 2,160.3 2,709.0 25.4
Other shellfish 193.3 174.6 720.0 629.5 -12.6
Miscellaneous catch 33.1 12.8 1,265.1 700.7 -44.6

Value of catch by type of landing January-July 2013        
Million ISK July January-July % change from
    2012 2013 2012 2013 previous year
Total value 14,468.2 13,236.4 95,711.0 90,340.3 -5.6
For domestic processing 5,778.3 4,414.1 47,143.9 45,539.9 -3.4
For export in containers 409.4 337.4 3,530.7 2,658.5 -24.7
Landed abroad for fishmeal and oil production 0.0 0.0 124.6 317.7 154.9
Frozen at sea 6,763.8 6,833.1 30,591.3 28,540.4 -6.7
To auction market, for domestic processing 1,447.4 1,603.6 13,645.6 12,777.0 -6.4
Frozen at sea, for domestic re-processing 34.6 23.5 289.8 97.3 -66.4
Fresh fish sold from vessel abroad 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Farmed fish 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  Other types of landings 34.7 24.7 385.0 409.4 6.4

Value of catch by region of landing January - July 2013      
Million ISK July January-July % change from
    2012 2013 2012 2013 previous year
Total value 14,468.2 13,236.4 95,711.0 90,344.5 -5.6
Capital region 3,802.0 3,573.0 21,691.2 21,356.9 -1.5
Southwest 1,714.2 2,030.9 15,764.6 14,064.9 -10.8
West 238.2 200.9 5,424.9 4,342.0 -20.0
Westfjords 861.4 764.8 5,546.1 5,620.1 1.3
Northwest 926.4 935.5 6,617.7 6,269.5 -5.3
Northeast 1,502.4 2,029.5 9,434.0 9,375.1 -0.6
East  2,572.9 1,704.1 15,469.6 15,766.2 1.9
Southwest 2,361.0 1,611.4 11,951.5 10,326.6 -13.6
  Abroad 489.8 386.4 3,811.3 3,223.2 -15.4


Further Information

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