The population of Iceland was 318,452 1 January 2011, compared with 317,630 1 January 2010. In 2010, there were 4,907 births in Iceland, 2,523 males and 2,384 females, the third highest number of births ever recorded. In 2010, 2,017 deaths, 1,063 males and 954 females, were recorded. The life expectancy of males at birth is estimated at 79.5 years, compared with 79.7 years in 2009. The life expectancy of females at birth is estimated at 83.5 years compared with 83.3 years in 2009.
Immigrants, i.e. persons born abroad with both parents and all grandparents born abroad, numbered 25,693 1 January 2011. This amounts to 8.1% of the total population. The second generation of immigrants, i.e. persons born in Iceland with both parents being immigrants, were 2,582. Persons with one immigrant parent numbered 13,055 1 January 2011. In all, 42,230 persons or 13.3% of the total population in Iceland have foreign background.
Population development 2010 - Statistical Series