The total population 1 January 2020 was 364,134 and grew by 7,143 from the previous year, a 2% rise. The number of men (186,941) increased by 2.2% while the number of women (177,193) increased by 1.7%.

Proportionally, the population growth was highest in the South region (3.9%), 1,053 persons. The population increased in all regions, specifically in the Capital region or by 2.1% (4,803 persons).

Ten municipalities with more than 5 thousand inhabitants
The number of municipalities was 72, same as in the previous year. Seven municipalities had fewer than 100 inhabitants, 39 had fewer than 1,000 inhabitants and only ten municipalities had more than 5,000 inhabitants.

The number of nuclear families grew
Nuclear families, i.e. couples with or without children under the age of 18 years or single parents with children under 18 years, were 84,668 1 January 2020, compared with 83,358 nuclear families one year earlier.

Dependency ratio
The dependency ratio was 64.6% compared with 64.9% last year. The dependency ratio is calculated as the ratio of the young and old age population relative to the working age population (defined as 20–64 years of age).

The definition of localities and urban nuclei is in alignment with international recommendations, especially that of the Commission Regulation (EC) No 1201/2009 implementing Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses as regards the technical specifications of the topics and of their breakdowns.

Population overview
Population by municipalities

Further Information

For further information please contact 528 1030 , email


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