The number of persons 16-74 years old in the labour force in the 1st quarter of 2018 was 200,200 corresponding to an activity rate of 80.7%. The number of employed persons was 194,500 while unemployed persons were 5,700. The employment rate was 78.4% and the unemployment rate 2.9%. From the 1st quarter of 2017 the number of employed persons increased by 3.000 but the employment rate decreased by two percentage points. At the same time the number of unemployed stayed almost the same, and the same goes for the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate among females was 2.5% and 3.2% among males.


Long-term unemployment
Presently, there is evidence that long-term unemployment has come to a halt. After the increase in the years 2009 to 2012 the long-term unemployment is now reduced to what is was before that period and very little change is measured between quarters. In the 1st quarter of 2018 long-term unemployed persons were 500 or 0.3% of the labour force which is the same as it was in the 1st quarter of 2017.

Persons are classified as unemployed when they have no employment, are actively seeking a job and could start working within two weeks or have found a job which starts within three months. Students who are not employed and fulfil this criteria are considered unemployed. People are classified as working (employed) if they worked one hour or more in the reference week or were absent from work they usually carry out.

Average working hours
In the 1st quarter of 2018 the average number of persons at work in the reference week was 181,800, or 73.3% of the population 16–74 years old and 93.5% of all in employment. The average number of working hours for those at work was 38.6 hours, 43.9 hours for those in full-time employment and 22.2 hours for those in part-time employment.

Labour market statistics, 1st quarter 2018 - Statistical Series


Further Information

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