Disposable income of the household sector has increased by 13,1% from 2006 to 2007. Disposable income per capita has increased by 10,5% and purchasing power by capita by 5.3%. The households’ total income rose by 15,4% and total expenditure (i.e. property expenditure and current transfers paid) by 19.1%.

The disposable income of households has increased on average by 9.6% per year from 1994. The purchasing power of disposable income per capita has increased by nearly 80% over this period, resulting in an average increase by 4.6% per year.


Earlier figures have now been updated. The main change is that in previously published figures payments from the Childbirth Leave Fund were simply included in figures for cash wages and salaries. These payments should however be seen, more precisely, as part of current transfers received. In the current table, paternity leave payments are therefore added as a separate item in current transfers received. Another change from the previous data is that personally identified figures, constituting payment of pension fund premium, have now been updated for the whole period, due to access to more detailed figures. These updates have how ever not changed previously published results on disposable income of the household sector.


Further Information

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