Total financial assets of Iceland’s domestic sectors stood at ISK 23,326 billion, accounting for 1,173% of GDP, while financial liabilities stood at ISK 28,824 billion, accounting for 1,449% of GDP at the end of 2014. In terms of GDP between the years 2013 and 2014, the outstanding stock of financial assets decreased by 5.3% and the liabilities by 6.9% over this period.

The non-financial corporations stocks of assets and liabilities registered a decrease in 2014, each at roughly 2% of GDP. A decline in loans, both assets and liabilities, of this sector at 3.6% and 6.4%, respectively, are predominantly responsible for the above mentioned changes.

Of the total domestic sectors of Iceland, understandably the financial institutions’ sector registered the sharpest fall in both assets and liabilities. Their asset holdings decreased by 8.8% of the GDP, close on the heels of their liabilities at 9.3% decrease during the period of 2013-2014.

The general government financial assets and liabilities’ stock stood at ISK 1,346 billion (67.7% of GDP) and ISK 1,828 billion (91.9% of GDP), respectively, at the end of 2014.

The total financial assets of the households sector stood at ISK 3,981 billion and liabilities at ISK 1,919 billion at the end of 2014. In terms of percentage of GDP, the financial assets stocks remained virtually unchanged over the years 2013 and 2014, while the liabilities experienced a 7.6% decline over this period.

The financial assets of rest of the world against Iceland stood at ISK 9,601 billion and liabilities at ISK 4,093 billion, or 482.7% of GDP and 205.8% of GDP, respectively, in 2014. In comparative terms, these figures experienced a decline on both sides – assets by 6.0% and liabilities by 9.3% between 2013 and 2014.

Next scheduled publication of financial accounts: March 2016.  Further information on method and various classifications, see metadata.

Financial accounts – Statistical Series


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