Total financial liabilities of Iceland’s domestic sector stood at ISK 27,844 billion or 1,135% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in year-end 2016, and total financial assets stood at ISK 27,137 billion or 1,106% of GDP according to newly updated figures from Statistics Iceland. Total net worth of domestic sectors was therefore negative by ISK 707 billion at year-end 2016, in comparison to ISK 839 billion the year before.
Financial assets of households stood at ISK 5,666 billion and liabilities at 1,930 billion in year-end 2016. Total financial assets increased by 8.9%, while liabilities increased by around 2.3% between 2015 and 2016.
Total financial assets of non-financial corporations stood at ISK 4,562 billion according to updated figures and decreased by 12.2% from the year 2015. However, financial liabilities stood at ISK 8,435 billion, decreasing by 5.5% between years.
Financial assets of financial corporations amounted to ISK 15,532 billion in year-end 2016, decreasing by 8.8% between years. However, financial liabilities were ISK 15,213 billion and lowered by 6.9% from the year before.
Total financial assets of the general government stood at ISK 1,319 billion, or 54% of GDP, and liabilities at ISK 2,258 billion, or 92% of GDP, in year-end 2016.
The financial assets of rest of the world against Iceland stood at ISK 4,539 billion and liabilities at ISK 3,823 billion, or 185% of GDP and 156% of GDP, respectively, in 2016. Financial assets decreased by 22% and liabilities by 23% between 2015 and 2016.
Next scheduled publication of financial accounts: September 2018
Financial accounts – further information on method and various classifications, see metadata.