The Consumer Price Index (CPI) based on prices in February 2024, is 615.4 points (May 1988=100), 1.33% higher than in the previous month. The CPI less housing cost is 502.0 points, 1.33% higher than in January 2024.

Winter sales are winding down causing an increase in prices of clothing and footwear by 8.4% (0.30%) and furnishing, household equipment etc. by 5.5% (0.31%). Cost of owner occupied housing (imputed rent) increased by 0.7% (0.13%) and Other services relating to the dwelling (refuse collection, sewerage services and water supply) increased by 11% (0.18%). Prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 0.7% (effect on index 0.10%).

Instead of taking in price changes to "044 Other services relating to the dwelling" in January 2024, it was done in February when the first payment, according to new tariffs, usually takes place.

The CPI is 6.6% higher in February 2024 than in February 2023 and the CPI less housing cost is 4.7% higher than one year ago.

The CPI compiled in the middle of February 2024, 615.4 points, is applicable for indexation purposes in April 2024.


Further Information

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