The Consumer Price Index (CPI), based on prices in January 2023, is 569.4 points (May 1988=100), 0.85% higher than in the previous month. The CPI less housing cost is 470.9 points, 0.88% higher than in December 2022.
Prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 2.0% (effect on index 0.30%). Part of this increase is due to a rise in the prices of milk, cheese and eggs by 4.4% (0.12%). Prices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco increased by 5.5% (0.13%), hot water by 6.0% (0.12%), new cars by 9.8% (0.52%) and catering by 2.4% (0.11%).
Winter sales are ongoing and prices of clothing and footwear decreased by 8.4% (-0.29%), furniture, furnishings, etc decreased by 4.4% (-0.10%) and household appliances decreased by 6.2% (-0.12%). Prices of international airfares decreased by 9.4% (-0.20%).
The CPI is 9.9% higher in January 2023 than in January 2022 and the CPI less housing cost is 8.3% higher than one year ago.
The CPI compiled in the middle of January 2023, 569.4 points, is applicable for indexation purposes in March 2023. The old credit terms index for March 2023 is 11,243 points.