The Consumer Price Index (CPI) based on prices in March 2025, is 643.7 points (May 1988=100), 0.37% higher than in the previous month. The CPI less housing cost is 517.2 points, 0.31% higher than in February 2025.
Prices of food and drinks increased by 0.7% (effect on index 0.10%) and cost of owner occupied housing (imputed rent) increased by 0.5% ( 0.09%).
The CPI is 3.8% higher in March 2025 than in March 2024 and the CPI less housing cost is 2.5% higher than one year ago.
The CPI compiled in the middle of March 2025, 643.7 points, is applicable for indexation purposes in May 2025.
New tables for subindices in 2026
Statistics Iceland is preparing an update to the classification system used for the CPI. General users of the CPI should not be affected by this, but new tables will be published for subindices since there will be some changes in the classification.