Statistics Iceland releases now an aggregated overview of quarterly central and local government non-financial accounts for the 3rd quarter of 2005. The figures are on accruals basis. These quarterly overviews are published 90 days after the end of the respective quarter and they are now available back to 2004, 1st quarter.

The accounts for the central government are based on information from the Government Financial Management Authority but the data for local governments are based on a sample of accounts from 9 municipalities with 57.5% of the population in Iceland. These have been grossed up by Statistics Iceland. So far the breakdown of the data is rather limited but there are plans for providing more detailed data in the future. Here, two concepts are used to measure the financial result of the government. The first one is the concept called financial balance, which more or less corresponds to the national accounts concept, net lending/net borrowing, where gross fixed capital formation has been expensed but depreciation is not. The other concept is the operating balance where depreciation is expensed but gross fixed capital formation is not. Only the first concept is available for the central government and therefore the result for the general government is also restricted to that concept.

According to these preliminary figures, the central government revenue for the 3rd quarter of 2005 amounted to 94.9 billion ISK and the financial balance was positive by 11.5 billion ISK, a substantial improvement from previous year. In the third quarter Iceland Telecom was privatized. The Icelandic Treasury’s proceeds from the sale amounted to 58.4 billion ISK but are not considered as revenue according to the national accounts and are therefore not included in the total revenue. Capital income tax on the sale, amounting to 6.2 billion ISK, is entered in full on both the income and expenditure side.

Central government finances in the 3rd quarter 2004–2005     
  2004 2005 Percentage
  Billion ISK Billion ISK changes
1. Current Revenue 78.4 94.9 21.0
2. Current expenditure and investm. excl. depreciation 78.0 83.4 6.9
    2.1 Thereof investment 3.5 5.7 62.9
3. Financial balance (3.=1.-2.) 0.4 11.5 .
4. Financial balance, % of revenue 0.5 12.1 .
5. Financial balance, % of annual GDP 0.0 1.2 .

The revenue of the local government in the 3rd quarter 2005 is estimated to have amounted to 26.8 billion ISK, current expenditure to 25.3 billion rendering the operating balance positive by 1.5 billion ISK. However, the financial balance is estimated to have been negative by 2.4 billion ISK owing to higher investments than depreciation. Both these indicators showed deterioration in local government finances from the same quarter in previous year.

Local governments finances in the 3rd quarter 2004–2005     
  2004 2005 Percentage
  Billion ISK Billion ISK changes
1. Current Revenue 21.6 26.8 23.9
2. Current expenditure incl. deprec. excl. investm. 18.2 25.3 38.9
    2.1 Thereof depreciation 1.3 1.5 17.2
3. Operating balance (3.=1.-2.) 3.4 1.5 .
4. Operating balance, % of  revenue 15.7 5.5 .
5. Gross fixed capital formation 3.8 5.4 .
6. Financial balance (6.=3.+2.1-5.) 0.9 -2.4 .
7. Financial balance,  % of revenue 4.2 -9.0 .
8. Financial balance,  % of annual  0.1 -0.2 .

The total revenue of the general government, i.e. central and local government together, is estimated 121.7 billion ISK in the 3rd quarter of 2005 and increased by 21.7% from the same quarter year before. At the same time the current expenditure including investments but excluding depreciation increased substantially less or by 14.0% which resulted in an improvement of the overall financial balances of general government. Now it is estimated as 7.5% of total revenue compared with 1.3% in the 3rd quarter of 2004.

General government finances in the 3rd quarter 2004–2005
  2004 2005 Percentage
  Billion ISK Billion ISK changes
1. Current Revenue 100.0 121.7 21.7
2. Current expenditure and investm. excl. depreciation 98.7 112.6 14.0
    2.1 Thereof investment 7.3 11.1 52.1
3. Financial balance (3.=1.-2.) 1.3 9.1 .
4. Financial balance, % of revenue 1.3 7.5 .
5. Financial balance, % of annual GDP 0.1 0.9 .

Accumulated figures for the general government for the 1st to 3rd quarter 2005 show an increase in total revenue of 22.7% from previous period and a considerable increase in financial balance, mainly originating in central government finances.

General government finances in the 1st–3rd quarter of 2004–2005
  2004 2005 Percentage
  Billion ISK Billion ISK changes
1. Current Revenue 276.8 339.8 22.7
2. Current expenditure and investm. excl. depreciation 283.8 319.9 12.7
    2.1 Thereof investment 22.3 26.7 19.9
3. Financial balance (3.=1.-2.) -7.0 19.9 .
4. Financial balance, % of revenue -2.5 5.8 .
5. Financial balance, % of annual GDP -0.8 2.0 .

In the figures presented here, both revenue and expenditure figures are recorded on  accruals basis whereas the monthly figures published by the Government Financial Authority are on cash basis. Accruals basis means that flows are recorded when they are established regardless of when the actual payment is made. The data presented here, both for central and local government, are preliminary. In particular, the information on investment of the local government is sketchy. In some cases these figures are recorded on a net basis in local government accounts. Here an attempt is made to record these items gross.

Statistics  (See "Quarterly non-financial accounts for general government 2004-2005")

Further Information

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