The proportion of people living in materially deprived households fell between 2013 and 2014, from 6.5% to 5.5%. In 2013 the material deprivation rate in Iceland was the fifth lowest in Europe.
The proportion of disabled and long-term ill stands out as having a high rate of material deprivation, or 23% in 2014, though the unemployed are also well above average with 12,5%.
In 2014, material deprivation was more common among people living in single parent households than in other household types, or 20.3%. In comparison, 4.6% of people living in two adult households with two children experienced deprivation. The proportion was also quite high relative to the population average among childless single under the age of 65, or 15.1%.
Social indicators: Material deprivation 2014 - Statistical Series
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