Total social protection expenditure in Iceland increased by 25.7 billion ISK between the years 2005 and 2006 or from 222.3 billion ISK in 2005 to 248.0 in 2006.
Social protection expenditure increased by 11.7% between 2005 and 2006, but in constant prices the increase was 4.6% and per capita in constant prices the increase was 1.7%. Social protection expenditure as percentage of GDP decreased from 21.3% in 2005 to 20.9% in 2006.
Nearly 35% of the total expenditure was spent on sickness and health care but old age function came second with 29% of the total expenditure. In third and fourth place were expenditures on disability, with little less than 16% and family and children functions, with little less than 15% of the total expenditure.
Expenditure in each function is divided between cash benefits and benefits in kind. The proportion of cash benefits was 47% of the total in 2006.
Social protection statistics are classified in accordance with ESSPROS 1996 (The European System of integrated Social Protection Statistics). A classification developed by Euorstat. Further information on method and definitions is to be found on metadata.