In November 2023, there were 524,000 registered overnight stays in Iceland, which is a 6% increase from November 2022 (493,000). Overnight stays in hotels were 360,800, which is a 2% increase from November 2022.
Foreign overnight stays were 79% of overnight stays, or 413,000, which is a 5% increase from the previous year (392,000). Domestic overnight stays were 110,000 which is a 9% increase from November last year (101,000). Overnight stays in hotels and guesthouses were 411,000 while 113,000 were in other types of accommodation (apartments, cottages, campsites etc.).
There were 360,800 overnight stays in hotels in November, which is a 2% increase from the previous year (353,500). There was a decrease in the Capital region (-3%) and in the West & Westfjords (-3%), but an increase in other parts of the country. The greatest increase was in the South (17%).
Foreign overnight stays at hotels were 289,100, or 80% of overnight stays, while domestic overnight stays were 71,700 (20%). Foreign overnight stays increased by 2.4% and domestic overnights increased by 1%.
The supply of hotel bedrooms increased by 1% from November 2022, at the same time the occupancy rate for hotel rooms increased by 0.8 percentage points. There was a decrease in occupancy rates in the Capital region (0.8) while there was an increase in other areas. The greatest increase was in the Southwest region (6.4).
An estimate of the number of overnight stays out of scope in the traditional overnight registration, based on a border study carried out at Keflavík Airport, is not available. It is expected to be updated in the next publication, at the end of January 2024.
All numbers for 2023 are preliminary, except for hotel data which is preliminary for November 2023. Due to abrupt changes in supply and occupancy rates, estimation for other types of accommodation than hotels is currently subject to a higher degree of uncertainty than usual and should therefore be taken with a special precaution until final numbers are available.
Further Information
For further information please contact 528 1000 , email gistiskyrslur@hagstofa.isShare
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